The concepts of self-differentiated leadership and of crucial conversations both have, at their core, the idea of harnessing one’s emotional responses and of looking through, over, and beyond the emotions…
Bryan Harris, M. Ed. in Digital Learning and Leading
The concepts of self-differentiated leadership and of crucial conversations both have, at their core, the idea of harnessing one’s emotional responses and of looking through, over, and beyond the emotions…
What’s the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time. I believe the same holds true for any large-scale goal, for any organization. Napkins and cutlery are…
As the time to actually try and convince my colleagues to sign on to my innovation plan draws nearer, I have begun to examine the fundamentals of exactly what that plan is…
There are people who believe that creativity cannot be taught. To them, creativity is an “either you have it or you don’t” proposition–Carol Dweck (2016) would say that such people…