The first half of my professional learning plan’s online course component is up and somewhat running–submitted for evaluation as part of my coursework in EDLD 5318: Instructional Design in Online Learning. As…
Bryan Harris, M. Ed. in Digital Learning and Leading
The first half of my professional learning plan’s online course component is up and somewhat running–submitted for evaluation as part of my coursework in EDLD 5318: Instructional Design in Online Learning. As…
Two-thirds of the way through my DLL master’s program, and I feel like I’m finally getting to put all of my thoughts and ideas from my innovation plan into concrete…
As I have continued to develop and refine the innovation plan I have been working on as part of my graduate coursework, I’ve had the opportunity to learn from both the…
The concepts of self-differentiated leadership and of crucial conversations both have, at their core, the idea of harnessing one’s emotional responses and of looking through, over, and beyond the emotions…
As the time to actually try and convince my colleagues to sign on to my innovation plan draws nearer, I have begun to examine the fundamentals of exactly what that plan is…
In my last post, I outlined goals (both Big Hairy Audacious ones and…Little Bald Reticent ones?) for my innovation plan, which can be found here. In that post, I used a modified…
In my innovation plan, I have proposed an online Technology-Assisted Music course for my district. There will be a year-long version for students, and a quarter-long professional development version for…
As part of my DLL coursework in EDLD 5305, I created an innovation plan which involves establishing an online course in Technology-Assisted Music. The details of that plan can be…
With a nod to Harapnuik’s 2015 blog post “The Head Won’t Go Where the Heart Hasn’t Been,” and its breakdown of Bloom’s cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains as “head, heart,…
In addition to the many resources I referenced in my literature review, these are some of the materials that I came across and intend to make further use of as I…