…and I stop and I turn and I go for a ride. Thank you, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, for the lines to sum up my initial reaction upon finishing…
Bryan Harris, M. Ed. in Digital Learning and Leading
…and I stop and I turn and I go for a ride. Thank you, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, for the lines to sum up my initial reaction upon finishing…
As I conclude my coursework in EDLD 5318 and finish creating my first fully-online course, I’ve been tasked with some reflection on the course development process and how it relates…
The completed draft of my professional learning plan’s online course component has been submitted. It feels good to have it committed to a final form, if only to have something to…
The first half of my professional learning plan’s online course component is up and somewhat running–submitted for evaluation as part of my coursework in EDLD 5318: Instructional Design in Online Learning. As…
Two-thirds of the way through my DLL master’s program, and I feel like I’m finally getting to put all of my thoughts and ideas from my innovation plan into concrete…
As I have continued to develop and refine the innovation plan I have been working on as part of my graduate coursework, I’ve had the opportunity to learn from both the…
Throughout the first half of my DLL master’s program, I have been developing an innovation plan, designed to help teachers use the process of creation, feedback, and revision to develop a…
Alternative Professional Learning, Part 1: The Presentation A call to action, aimed primarily at the decision-makers in my district, but applicable anywhere: Alternative Professional Learning, Part 2: Behind The…